Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immune function and overall wellbeing. And it becomes even more crucial as we age.

New guidelines from the international Endocrine Society recommend people aged 75 and over should consider taking vitamin D supplements.

But why is vitamin D so important for older adults? And how much should they take? Young people get most vitamin D from the sun

In Australia, it is possible for most people under 75 to get enough vitamin D from the sun throughout the year. For those who live in the top half of Australia – and for all of us during summer – we only need to have skin exposed to the sun for a few minutes on most days.

The body can only produce a certain amount of vitamin D at a time. So staying in the sun any longer than needed is not going to help increase your vitamin D levels, while it will increase your risk of skin cancer.

But it’s difficult for people aged over 75 to get enough vitamin D from a few minutes of sunshine, so the Endocrine Society recommends people get 800 IU (international units) of vitamin D a day from food or supplements.
Why you need more as you age

This is higher than the recommendation for younger adults, reflecting the increased needs and reduced ability of older bodies to produce and absorb vitamin D.

Overall, older adults also tend to have less exposure to sunlight, which is the primary source of natural vitamin D production. Older adults may spend more time indoors and wear more clothing when outdoors.

As we age, our skin also becomes less efficient at synthesising vitamin D from sunlight.

The kidneys and the liver, which help convert vitamin D into its active form, also lose some of their efficiency with age. This makes it harder for the body to maintain adequate levels of the vitamin.

All of this combined means older adults need more vitamin D.


If you've ever left therapy and wondered, "Did I do that right?" you're not the only one. Whether you're new to therapy or not, it's easy to feel overwhelmed during a session. Maybe you're worried about saying all the right things, or stressed about forgetting important topics you wanted to bring up. At times you might even feel like you can't fully digest the advice and knowledge your therapist is passing on. Thankfully, there are some strategies you can do before, during, and after each session to help you get the most out of therapy.

It's normal to wonder if you're making mistakes in your sessions (hint: you're probably not). Still, it's important to feel like you're reaping the most benefits out of each and every session — not only because therapy typically doesn't come cheap, but also because every therapy session is a chance to improve your mental health. If you believe you're leaving anything on the table during your sessions — not being as honest as possible, or not leaving with as many takeaways as you'd like — then it might be worth refining your approach.

To help you squeeze all the juice out of your next therapy appointment, no one can advise you better than therapists themselves. Read on for their advice on how to get the most out of therapy. One reminder before we jump in, though: There's truly no "wrong" way to do therapy. If you're in therapy, you've already taken a big step in working on your mental health, so don't put too much pressure on yourself to "perfect" this process. Rather, think of these tips as ways to enhance all the good work you're already doing.
How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

If you're looking to get more out of therapy, here's a few expert-approved strategies to try before, during, and after your next session.
Before Your Session

List What You Want to Talk About: Take a few minutes before your session to identify the things you'd like to bring up. You can even take notes throughout the week when important discussion topics come to mind. Either way, this can help you distill what you're struggling with and glean new insights "by trying to use language to express your concerns," says registered psychologist and cognitive-behavioral therapist Houyuan Luo, PhD. Additionally, preparing what you'd like to talk about can "ensure you're able to prioritize any key topics during your session," says therapist Annia Palacios, LPC.
Create a Distraction-Free Environment: It's important to create a calm, comfortable environment for therapy, especially if you're doing teletherapy. "Therapy is your special time," says counselor and educator Quanesha Johnson, LPC. "Make sure you carve out the space and time that will help you get the most out of your experience." That means turning off all notifications, putting away your phone (if possible), and trying to set yourself up in a private area where you can talk comfortably.
Keep a Journal: "Journaling in between sessions can help you remember what happened, what worked, what didn't work, and maybe things that haven't been discussed but need to be discussed," says therapist Jessica Jefferson, MA, MS, LMFT. Keeping a journal can also help you track your progress and give you a space for positive affirmations, she adds.

During Your Session

Take Notes: "Your therapist may drop a nugget in a session that you don't want to forget, so having a notebook and pen nearby can come in handy," says therapist Bianca Walker, LPC. (You can also take notes on your phone or computer, although they have the potential to be distracting.) Taking notes will help you digest information and better remember any breakthroughs you might have. It's also a good idea to jot down any goals or "assignments" you have for the coming week.
Be Honest: This advice is simple in theory, but often a little tougher in practice. "It can be hard or uncomfortable for many people to come into the therapy space and share [things honestly], as there aren't many places in the world where people spend 50+ minutes talking about themselves," says clinical mental health counselor Corrine Harris, PhD, LCMHC. Still, she encourages clients to "push past their discomfort" and be as transparent and forthcoming as possible, "so that the therapist can gain a better understanding of who the client is and what they're experiencing."
Don't Be Afraid to Go "Off Script": If you've jotted down some things you want to talk about, feel free to share a loose agenda with your therapist so you're both on the same page. That said, don't worry if you stray from your plan. "During sessions, sharing what's coming up for you or where your mind goes isn't random," says art therapist Jackie Tassiello, ATR-BC, LCAT. "Letting your therapist know your thoughts, memories, or associations during sessions can be a gateway to more self-awareness."
Ask Questions: "If your therapist is saying things you don't understand, ask for clarification," says psychotherapist Keischa Pruden, LCMHCS, LCAS, CCS. "Therapists can often fall into 'clinical speak' without realizing it. Asking for clarification can be their signal to simplify their explanations."
Don't Worry What Your Therapist Is Thinking: "If you notice in your day-to-day life that you tend to hold back your emotions in order to not burden people with your feelings, therapy is an excellent place to give yourself permission to feel and express any and all emotions that show up," says somatic therapist Victoria Smith, LCSW. Know that your therapist will not feel burdened by you, no matter how heavy the topics or how big your emotions. "Therapists do the work they do so that people can feel safe and supported," Smith explains. It's natural to want to avoid sharing certain details with your therapist for fear of being judged, but remember that this is a judgment-free zone. There's no need to try to appear perfect to your therapist. They're here to help you through the very issues you're nervous about sharing.

After Your Session

Take Time to Reflect: Right after your session, give yourself a couple of minutes to "let it marinate," Walker says. "What was helpful? Did it bring up other questions?" Take a few minutes to write down any reflections or takeaways, either in a journal or in a note on your phone.
Do Your Homework: Your therapist might give you some "homework" (i.e. a specific task, challenge, or reflection) to complete before your next session. Do your best to finish it and to be honest about your experience — even if you didn't get around to it. "It's not always fun or easy to complete these assignments, but they're helpful because they help clients apply what they've learned in sessions to their everyday lives," Harris says.
Give Honest Feedback: Many of the experts here recommend giving feedback to your therapist when something is or isn't working. Above all, avoid abruptly stopping therapy, says therapist Zahara Williams, LCSW-S. Instead, she advises "talking to your therapist so they can pivot their approach or refer you to someone who may be a better fit."
Stay Consistent: "If you're inconsistent with appointments, it's hard for a therapist to accurately assess progress," Jefferson says. "If there's a reason consistency is a problem, being honest with your therapist is a great option to think of ways to help." Most therapists recommend weekly or biweekly sessions to start — and there's a reason for that. Licensed clinical psychologist Pauline Yeghnazar Peck, PhD, MMFT, compares it to working on physical fitness. "Would personal training work if you only attended once a month?" she asks. "As difficult as it can be, committing to a consistent weekly or biweekly time will help you get the most out of your investment in yourself."
Be Patient: Therapy is a marathon, not a sprint, Pruden says. "Many therapeutic techniques take time to be effective," she explains. "Give therapy (and your therapist) some time for change to occur." If you're looking for a more specific timeline, you can always ask your therapist how long you should expect to be in therapy.


COVID-19 may increase our risk of depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns, new research suggests. Vaccination appears to reduce the risk of developing these adverse psychiatric side effects, while those who had been hospitalized by the infection saw significantly higher rates of mental illness.

"Awareness of the higher incidence of mental illnesses for up to a year following severe COVID-19 leading to hospitalization may encourage both patients and health professionals to monitor for these conditions, and seek early treatment if appropriate," the study's first author, Venexia Walker, a research fellow in epidemiology at the University of Bristol in the U.K. and the University of Pennsylvania, told Newsweek.

Post-viral symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 infection are not uncommon, with roughly one in 10 of those infected suffering from long-COVID, a study published in the journal Nature Review Microbiology estimated in January 2023. Among the more than 200 symptoms associated with long-COVID, fatigue and brain fog are some of the most widespread, and long-lasting.

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However, increasingly, mental-health conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, addictions and self-harm are seen to be elevated in the weeks following SARS-CoV-2 infection.

In a new study, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, Walker and colleagues studied three areas of data, with a total of 18,648,606 participants, to explore these associations. The first group of data was collected between January 2020 and June 2021, before widespread vaccine availability, while the second and third groups were collected between June and December 2021, separated into those who were vaccinated and those who were not.

What the researchers found was that mental illness incidence was elevated for up to a year following severe COVID infection. Walker said that those with a history of mental illness were particularly vulnerable, as were older individuals and men. However, vaccination appeared to mitigate these effects.

"The main benefit of COVID-19 vaccination is that it provides substantial protection against severe COVID-19," Walker said. "Vaccination likely mitigates the adverse effects of COVID-19 on mental health through preventing severe COVID-19 that leads to hospitalization."

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As this study was purely associative, it is difficult to pinpoint a specific mechanism for these patterns, and it is too early to say if this correlation is actually indicative of causation. However, Walker said that several potential mechanisms had been suggested.

"Potential mechanisms reported in the literature include physiological pathways, such as inflammation and microvascular changes, and psychosocial effects, such as anxiety about the consequences of COVID-19 including long COVID," she said.

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While more work is needed to understand the biochemistry behind these associations, the study has important implications for public health and will hopefully help identify patients who may be at higher risk of these conditions.


Davis, H.E., McCorkell, L., Vogel, J.M. et al. Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations. Nat Rev Microbiol 21, 133–146 (2023).

Walker, V. M., Patalay, P., Coronado, J. I. C., Denholm, R., Forbes, H., Stafford, J., Moltrecht, B., Palmer, T., Walker, A., Thompson, E. J., Taylor, K., Cezard, G., Horne, E. M. F., Wei, Y., Al Arab, M., Knight, R., Fisher, L., Massey, J., Davy, S., Mehrkar, A., Bacon, S., Goldacre, B., Wood, A., Chaturvedi, N., Macleod, J., John, A., & Sterne, J. A. C. (2024). COVID-19 and Mental Illnesses in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People. JAMA Psychiatry.

A study of almost 100,000 people in Japan aged 10 to 69 found playing video games – or even owning a console – can be good for mental health. But playing too much each day can harm wellbeing.

Video games and other forms of online media consumption are an everyday part of life.

Surveys have shown playing video games can have positive effects on stress levels and creativity. But concern remains about the potential negative effects on, for example, general wellbeing, aggressive behaviour and social development, especially for young people.

The World Health Organization lists gaming disorder as a mental health condition, and a severe social withdrawal condition called hikikomori has been described in Japan.

The new survey showed links between gaming and wellbeing and researchers found a way to show cause and effect – that even owning a gaming console improved wellbeing.
What the study found

The research was conducted between 2020 and 2022 – during the COVID pandemic. The researchers used measures of psychological distress and life satisfaction and asked 97,602 people in Japan about their gaming use.

The survey coincided with supply chain shortages. These led retailers to use a lottery system for the purchase of two consoles: Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5. Of the overall survey group, 8,192 participated in the lottery.

Researchers compared the 2,323 lottery winners against those who did not win the opportunity to purchase one of the new consoles (over five rounds of surveys). They found those who won the lottery had improved distress scores and better life satisfaction.

The results were not all positive. Over time, the scores indicated drops in wellbeing for those who played more than three hours a day. Scores continued to drop for each additional time increment measured.

The study had some limitations.

Firstly, the survey was conducted when the COVID pandemic presented a particularly challenging time for mental health. It also brought changes in social, occupational and lifestyle behaviours.

The study focused mainly on general gaming habits without distinguishing between different types of games, which could have varying impacts on mental health.

Further, participants chose whether to enter the lottery, so it was not a random sample. And the study could not specifically attribute findings to the effects of playing video games versus the effects of winning the lottery.

Finally, we know self-reported studies are not always reliable.
Gaming pros and cons

We know from other surveys video games can be useful stress relievers and aid social connection (albeit online). We also know some games can improve particular cognitive skills such as visuo-spatial navigation and problem solving.

Games and technologies can also specifically target mental health issues, such as social anxiety or phobias, address ADHD symptoms and enhance motivation and performance.

Yet, concerns remain about possible long-term consequences, particularly in terms of reductions in "real-life" socialisation, participation in physical activity, school performance and other health consequences, including sleep and eating behaviours.
boy sits at computer screen at night
It's important to make sure gaming doesn't interfere with sleeping or eating. (Ralston Smith/Unsplash)
3 tips for positive gaming

While video games can offer some benefits, it's important to maintain a balanced approach to gaming. Here are a few tips to help manage gaming habits and promote overall wellbeing:

1. Set time limits

Encourage moderate gaming by setting clear time limits to ensure it doesn't interfere with sleep, physical activity or other important daily activities. The Australian institute of Family Studies recommends creating a media plan that includes limits on screen time and balances gaming with other activities.

2. Choose games wisely

Opt for games that are age-appropriate and consider their content. Some games can promote problem-solving skills and creativity, but it's important to be mindful of those that might encourage aggression or excessive competition.

3. Monitor eating and sleeping habits

Pay attention to eating patterns and ensure meals are not skipped in favour of gaming. Encourage regular sleep patterns and avoid gaming close to bedtime to prevent disruptions in sleep.

While the new study provides promising insights into the potential positive effects of video games on mental wellbeing, these findings should be approached with caution due to the limits of the survey.

While the potential benefits are encouraging, it is essential to adopt a balanced approach to gaming and pursue further research to fully understand its long-term impact on mental health.The Conversation

Katarina Fritzon, Associate Professor of Psychology, Bond University; Oliver Baumann, Associate professor of psychology, Bond University, and Peta Stapleton, Professor in Psychology, Bond University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

We are an aftereffect of what our people and educators made us; they appallingly often ruin the work. Fortunately, if an action is in concurrence with our trademark nature and necessities, we after a short time will see the value in it.

The present dormant lifestyle infers that distractions and sports are crucial upgrades to our everyday schedules. Whether or not they be Gardening, cycling, carpentry, tennis, golf, horse riding, swimming, sports, or road running.

Pick the kind of development you appreciate in light of the fact that as is regularly said "Whatever satisfies you."

Cycling is my basic exercise anyway I simply cycle to get beginning with one spot then onto the following and as I live around 5 kilometers from the nearest town I bike 10k reliably. Cycling emphatically would not be my picked sport. Sports is. The truth is that you pick something you like doing.

Start from where you are the degree that health goes. I may be seen as fit stood out from by far most my age yet when I start my running exertion I test my health in any case by circumventing a grass nook a couple of times. I start with five laps around the walled in area just to test my state of health.

This is after I have not done any running for a year or close and I am not actually fit.

One thing to recall is that the interaction can't be raced to foster your health yet much quicker to lose it once you quit working out.

It requires quite a while for you to show up at your ideal level of health anyway if you have not played a great deal of game you may be questionable of what is your apex. The most ideal approach to find is to just get out there and battle in sport anyway that doesn't actually mean going toward others yet rather yourself.

It is critical not to overstate the fleeing yet to set yourself little tasks at first then augmentation the distance and the power as your wellbeing level additions. There are different running books available which can point you the right way. A part of the readiness plans for these books can have all the earmarks of being overpowering immediately so it is a brilliant idea to scale back it as demonstrated by your level of wellbeing and limit.

That is setting individual best events.

It gives one mind blowing satisfaction to achieve individual best events in various events. Whether or not you have done a few games ahead of time and you have shown up at an age where you are never going to achieve times you did when you were more young you can set new up close and personal best events for your age order.

Another advantage of movement is that it helps with making new allies. The informative gatherings with various contenders will expand your gatherings of companions. This will invigorate you in your goal to continue with a more wellbeing orientated life.

You will require this action for lightweights, to stand up, isolating between your feet a little, and hold weights with your hands and Arfhma over your head, then down a touch of your body with your knees imploded, and down between your hands to cross your chest at the same time, and keep in the present circumstance for a few minutes, then Return to the past position and set up the ball on numerous occasions.

Sponsorship and hold a lightweight with the left hand, then lift the leg from the back with contort the back forward, to walk out on a level plane straight and relating to the ground and got a seat to validate yourself with the right hand and your left give over and lift it up, and continued with Bhdh advancements for twenty seconds, Then put the ball in your grip.

Stand upstanding and lift your left unequivocal benefit over a seat, and pass on light weights with two hands, then lift the Bassaqk straightforwardly back to the seat with the weight obsession with the left leg, and lift weights with your hands up. to your shoulders at the same time, and orchestrated the ball on different occasions, then restart the ball with Change Legs.

Lie on your stomach, with the lifting of your body to some degree force you and bend your toes inside, then lift your hips with pulling the gut button inwards, to take the condition of your body eight and stand firm on in this balance for ten seconds, then re-visitation of the state of the beginning, and orchestrated the ball five-ten times.

The underlying advance that will you get fit as a fiddle and keep it off, is to fathom your necessities. Why might you want to get fit as a fiddle? Is it for prosperity reasons? Is this is in light of the fact that you need to fit into your two-piece for summer? Is this is in light of the fact that your articles of clothing are getting tight and you would rather not go out to search for one more plan of articles of clothing? Accepting you support behind expecting to get more slender is temporary, yo make not have the alternative to zero in on the somewhat long changes you need to make to your lifestyle that will help you with getting fit as a fiddle and keep it off.

The accompanying thing you need to pick is what you will eat and what you will not eat and drink. If you truly need to get fit as a fiddle and keep it off, you need to go past marks like veggie sweetheart, keto diet, Atkins diet or some other eating standard and focus what type food you will eat, with related piece and repeat. But on the off chance that, you choose the points of interest, you will see it hard to dependably stay aware of your value based living.

Pick what you eat splendidly. Quest for lean protein sources, and limit dealt with meat. Extraordinary decisions consolidate fish, beans, eggs, low-fat dairy things, and skinless poultry. There are a great deal of choices for the two veggie lovers and meat eaters.

Zero in on somewhere near 5 servings of new vegetables and natural items every day. They're normally high in enhancements and low in calories, and most contain some protein and strands. Drink water. Extra protein can leave you feeling got dried out. Take around a water container and drink tea.

To keep weight off, you'll need to clear a path of life changes you can stay aware of for a serious long time. An eating routine with a grouping of food assortments is safer and less difficult than a specific kind of diet that you can't uphold. Remember that quick plates of blended greens and nut will give more enhancements almost as quick when you're at home. You can regardless arrangement with your weight, if you constantly follow and the exhibited tips and strategies for getting fit as a fiddle.
In case you don't have even the remotest clue, health insurance is a kind of affirmation that is given ward on agreed terms if the ensured individual falls cleared out or needs clinical treatment. The ensured life may have a continuous condition requiring clinical thought for a significant long an ideal opportunity to come. We should get some answers concerning it.

This is maybe the most notable inquiry that people ask. If you have a health insurance, you can have the peace of mind that your health will be managed. In actuality, it is a sort of plan or understanding between you (policyholder) and the association giving health insurance. The inspiration driving the course of action or understanding is to give affirmation against costs. Once in a while, the costs are high so much that the cleared out individual can't deal with the bills. In this way, the individual can't get the thought he needs to recover.

While you will pay a month to month or yearly excellent, you should expect that the proportion of premium you will pay would be irrefutably not by and large the total you would pay in case of disease.

Recollect that health insurance is a kind of benefit that a non-advantage affiliation, private issue or an organization association gives. To figure out the cost, the association gets a check of the total clinical cost of the whole of people in the state. Then the risk is parted between the methodology allies.

To the degree the thought goes, the back up arrangement understands that one individual may encounter the evil impacts of huge astonishing health care costs while the other individual may cause no expenses using any and all means. Along these lines, the expense is spread across an enormous get-together of people with a ultimate objective to make the health insurance extensively more sensible for all of the ensured lives.

Alongside this, public plans are financed by the public position. Hence, they offer extra health insurance to the feeble social events like people with inadequacies and seniors.

What about we take a manual for appreciate the thought better. A person with Cerebral Palsy needs exceptional treatment through their future. It's apparent that a steady infection costs substantially more money than a standard thought. Cerebral Palsy may achieve a genuine impedance that may continue to go for the whole presence of the person in question.

The therapy for this condition may require standard expert visits, various therapies and long clinical facility stays. Taking into account the degree of shortcoming, you may require extraordinary health insurance. Various health care specialists will incorporate, similar to proficient subject matter experts, word related counsels, genuine trained professionals, strong subject matter experts, radiologists, pediatrician, sensory system trained professionals, and so forth

They are under a schedule for recording dates this mid year. Insurance associations have the chance to pick in the event that they will regardless offer plans or not. By pulling out plans, things will start moving back to under the careful gaze of the law was settled upon. This time holder can be valuable for a few.

The insurance associations may begin assessing for health conditions. Do whatever it takes not to hold up by and by! Quite a while ago, the solitary issue with past conditions was not 'if' an insurance association would take you, yet which one. Each insurance associations had characters for health conditions. Since a significant name insurance association turned someone down, that didn't mean you couldn't get health insurance from another association. Insurance works with simply expected to facilitate with the person with the insurance association. It was just as simple as that.

In case nothing happens by late March, we could be moving into more additions on the health plans. This is dreadful data for individuals close to the problematic edge of losing their health insurance due to cost. Only one out of every odd individual does okay to pay for their health insurance with no issue, and impressively more don't possess all the necessary qualities for any organization sponsorships for the charges.

When it comes to losing weight, people often want know the best way to shed excess pounds – and there’s no shortage of fad diets or fitness crazes claiming to have the “secret” to fat loss. One theory even suggests that exercising at around 60% of your maximum heart rate will bring our bodies into a so-called “fat burning zone”, optimal for losing weight.

But does this “fat burning zone” even exist?

First, it’s important to understand a little about our metabolism. Even if we were to sit at our desk all day, our body still needs “fuel” to meet energy demands. This energy comes from carbohydrates, proteins, fats and phosphates. However, the rate at which we use them, and how much we have available, varies between people. It depends on a number of factors, such as dietary intake, age, sex and how hard or often we exercise.

Generally, exercising at lower intensities – such as sustained walking or light jogging – doesn’t require as much effort by our muscles as sprinting, for example. This means the amount of energy needed by the body is lower, so energy supply predominantly comes from fats.

But as exercise intensity increases, fat can’t be metabolized fast enough to meet increased energy demand. So the body will use carbohydrates, as these can be metabolized more rapidly. This means there is indeed an exercise intensity where fat is the predominant energy source.

At the lower end of this spectrum is our resting state. Here, the number of calories our body needs to function is considerably low, so the body primarily metabolises fat to use for energy. This means the potential “zone” for metabolising fat is between the rested state and the level of exercise intensity where carbohydrates become the dominant energy source (in terms of percent contribution to energy demand).

But this is a wide range, which lies between a resting heart rate of around 70 beats per minute to around 160 beats per minute during moderate effort exercise (such as cycling at a constant speed where holding a conversation becomes challenging), where the crossover from using fat to carbohydrates for energy occurs.

The issue with such a wide zone is that the person exercising wouldn’t necessarily be optimising their ability to metabolise fat, because as the exercise intensity increases there’s a gradual change in the balance of fat and carbohydrates your body uses for energy.

Fat Burning Zone

So how can we know at which point our body will switch from using fat to other fuels for energy? One approach researchers take is assessing how much fat is being used for energy during different exercise intensities.

By measuring how much air a person expels during an exercise test which gets progressively harder, physiologists have been able to calculate the relative contributions of fat and carbohydrates to meet the exercise demand at different intensities. The highest amount of fat burned is called the “maximal fat oxidation rate” (or MFO), and the intensity this occurs at is termed “FATmax”.

The more intense the exercise, the less fat our body draws upon for energy. Credit: baranq / Shutterstock.

Since this method was first used by researchers, studies have shown that as the intensity rises from around 40-70% of a person’s VO₂ max – which is the maximum amount of oxygen a person can use during exercise – there’s an increase in the rate of carbohydrates and fats being used. The rate of fat being burned starts to decline at higher intensities as the body requires energy more rapidly.

The so-called “fat burning zone” has been shown to occur anywhere between about 50-72% of a person’s VO₂ max. However, the ability to burn fat is also based on genetics, with studies showing that this fat burning zone is likely to be lower in overweight or obese people – around 24-46% of their VO₂ max – and higher in endurance athletes.

Another point to consider is how much fat we actually burn during exercise (if we express it in grams per minute). The answer is: surprisingly little. Even in studies with athletes, at FATmax, participants only burned on average a mere 0.5 grams of fat per minute. This would equate to around 30 grams of fat per hour.

In the average person, this appears to be even lower, ranging between 0.1 and 0.4 grams of fat per minute. To put it in perspective, one pound of fat weighs around 454 grams. So, though training in this fat burning zone will help with fat loss, this might also help explain why it takes some people longer to lose fat through exercise.

But there is evidence that following certain diets (such as intermittent fasting or a ketogenic, high fat diet) and longer exercise can increase the actual amount of fat we burn.

Perhaps it’s time to no longer consider “burning fat” to have a “zone”, but rather an individualized “sweet spot” which can be used to optimise our exercise regimes to lose weight. Regular physical activity around this “sweet spot” (which typically occurs at a low to moderate feeling of effort, for example 30-60% of your maximal effort, or a perceived exertion level of one to four out of ten) will likely improve our body’s efficiency in using fat for energy – and translate to a lower overall body fat percentage.

Justin Roberts is a Principal Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University.

Ash Willmott is a Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science at Anglia Ruskin University.

Dan Gordon is a Principal Lecturer Sport and Exercise Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University.


In the summer of 2009, I was finishing the first—and toughest—year of my doctorate. To help me get through it, while I brewed chemicals in test tubes during the day, I was also planning a crazy experiment to cheat sleep.

As any good scientist would, I referred to past studies, recorded data, and discussed notes with some of my colleagues. Although the sample size was just one—and, obviously, biased—I was going to end up learning a great deal about an activity that we spend nearly a third of our life doing.

With looming deadlines and an upcoming thesis defense, I was determined to find more hours to fit in work and study. The answer came from reading about the famous American inventor Buckminster Fuller, who, Time reported in 1943, spent two years sleeping only two hours a day.

Fuller’s Short Dreams

The method to achieving what seemed like a superhuman feat was called the Dymaxion sleeping schedule: four naps of 30 minutes taken every six hours. Much of Fuller’s inventions were labeled “Dymaxion,” which is a portmanteau of dynamic, maximum, and tension, and I was certainly inspired to live like a great man once did.

When I started reading the scientific literature on the topic, I was surprised by how little we know about sleep. And the little we can explain comes from studying the effects of the absence of sleep. The average duration of a night’s sleep has been declining in recent years. In the US more than a third of the population gets less than seven hours of sleep in the day, and in the UK a similar proportion gets away with less than six hours.

Not sleeping properly causes problems, so we say that sleep is essential to many functions such as memory and cognition. But why we sleep and what ill-effect sleep deprivation may have remain poorly understood.

That lack of knowledge, however, hasn’t stopped people from experimenting with sleep. My experiment began in 2009, and today there are many more online forums dedicated to discussions around what is now referred to as “polyphasic sleep.” People have scoured past examples, such as the life of Leonardo da Vinci, to develop new polyphasic schedules. Like the Dymaxion schedule, the general idea is to break the large chunk of sleep at night in to multiple naps and thus reduce the total time spent sleeping.

The Experiment Begins

I saw that there were risks to what I was about to try, but I was also really fed up with dealing with my frequent grogginess just because I didn’t sleep eight hours each night. I jumped into the experiment and told a few good friends to keep a close eye on me; if anything seemed awry I would stop.

At the time, I didn’t drink tea or coffee and I wasn’t sad about giving up alcohol. Both caffeine and alcohol affect sleep, and I wasn’t taking chances with something that was going to require so much effort.

For the sleep schedule to work, I needed places to nap. I had a few secret spots in my huge chemistry lab at Oxford University (far away from any chemicals, of course). Better still, I had access to a couch in my college nearby.

My Australian housemate Alex at the time wanted to tame sleep too and decided to join in. We set about imitating Fuller and decided to take 30-minute naps every six hours.

Problems began after 36 hours. I was finding it hard staying awake at night, and Alex wasn’t able to wake up in time after naps despite many alarms.

We were aware that difficulties were bound to arise, but we didn’t realize how bad sleep deprivation truly feels. Alex went back to being monophasic, but I was determined. To make it work, I changed to an easier sleep schedule: the Everyman, where I slept for 3.5 hours at night and took three 20-minute naps in the day.

After three weeks and a few more obstacles, I finally settled into the new schedule. I was getting 4.5 hours of sleep in total, which was just a little more than half the hours I used to sleep.

The extra time was proving to be a wonderful benefit: I finished my first-year thesis; successfully defended it; decided that after finishing my doctorate I didn’t want to be in academia for the rest of my life; got a chance to explore Oxford University’s wonderful offerings without sacrificing on lab time; started exploring other career options, including writing, which eventually led me to become a journalist.

There were other gains. I found myself waking up fully refreshed after a nap. Quite often, before the alarm began ringing. The best bit was that I was benefitting from that superb early-morning blank mind four times a day instead of just once.

Others who’ve tried polyphasic sleeping had mentioned similar benefits. But what really surprised me was that I had managed to do something that seemed impossible going in.

Wasting No Sleep

Sleep expert Claudio Stampi explained in his 1992 book Why We Nap: Evolution, Chronobiology, and Functions of Polyphasic and Ultrashort Sleep that humans shouldn’t find it hard to adjust to a polyphasic schedule.

Many animals are known to be polyphasic sleepers, and our hunter-gatherer ancestors may have been too. But we don’t even need to go so far back in time to find examples of polyphasic humans.

As Roger Ekirch notes in At Day’s Close: A History of Nighttime, a segmented sleep pattern was common as recently as the 18th century.

Back then people often slept for four hours, then woke up for an hour or two before going back to bed for another four hours. In the period they were awake at night, people smoked, had sex, and even visited neighbors. It was the advent of night-time lighting that allowed us to squeeze in more awake time doing things and made people adapt to what is today’s monophasic sleep.

Sleep to Dream

A few decades ago, Stampi ran a polyphasic-sleep study to find out what happens to the brain under such circumstances. With the help of electric probes attached to a willing participant’s skull, Stampi compared how normal sleep cycles adjust to polyphasic sleep.

We may not realize it, but monophasic sleep is broadly divided into three stages. The first stage is that of light sleep consisting of rapid theta waves. The second stage is that of deep sleep characterized by slow delta waves. And finally, the last stage when we dream can be spotted with the help of rapid eye movements (REM).

During a night’s sleep, these three stages repeat in a cyclic manner over 90 to 200 minutes. But Stampi’s subject, who had adapted to taking six 30-minute naps per day, known as the Uberman schedule, seemed to have broken down those stages to fit them in during his short naps. In some naps he was in the first stage or the second stage, and in others he experienced REM.

Among the three phases, we understand REM’s role the best. It is believed to be key to learning and forming memories. People taught a skill and deprived of REM sleep, were not able to recall what they had learned. However, Stampi noted that the various stages of sleep were experienced in the same proportions in polyphasic sleeping, as the subject experienced them during monophasic sleeping, indicating that all stages were important.

I couldn’t find a scientific study on the sleep cycles in an Everyman schedule, but I noted that during at least one or two of my daily naps I experienced dreams, which are a sign of entering REM sleep. So it meant that I was probably directly entering the very last stage of monophasic sleep in a short nap.

And sometimes these dreams were lucid. In them, I was aware that I was dreaming and sometimes I was able to make conscious decisions in the dream. For instance, once after a long session of Assassins’ Creed, I found myself in a lucid dream where I was present in the virtual world of the video game. Though there were no people around to kill or interact with, I was able to choose which direction I wanted to go next to explore this world that I had come to know well from spending hours in front of a screen.

There are scientific explanations for why such dreams occur. But there remains skepticism because there is no way to test what are, by definition, self-reported observations.


Brittany Bankhead-Kendall arrived in Boston in July of 2019. Tall and trim, with straight, blond hair, bright-blue eyes, and an easy smile, she has a sunny disposition and the hint of a Texas drawl. She had just finished a general-surgery residency in Texas, and, at Massachusetts General Hospital, she would complete her training as a trauma and critical-care surgeon. As summer eased into fall, she struggled to acclimate to the weather. At the hospital, she operated on patients who’d suffered serious injuries—people hurt in car accidents or house fires, or by gunshots. Patients would arrive with fractured skulls and ruptured spleens, collapsed lungs and bleeding bowels. Bankhead-Kendall got good with gore.

In March, 2020, as the coronavirus descended on Boston, she learned that her role would evolve. She would be stationed in the I.C.U., where the sickest COVID-19 patients would be treated, and start working primarily as a physician, not a surgeon. Bankhead-Kendall read with care the flurry of hospital-wide e-mails detailing new procedures and protocols: where patients would be isolated, how P.P.E. would be rationed, when additional staff would be called in. Keeping track of new information felt like a full-time job. Still, at first, the surge didn’t materialize. “There was just this impending sense of doom,” she told me recently, over Zoom. “Then, all of a sudden, it was at our doorstep.”

The first COVID-19 patient she cared for was a woman in her mid-thirties. (Some details have been changed to protect patient privacy.) The woman was admitted to a step-down unit—the rung between an I.C.U. and a general-medicine floor—and, though previously healthy, she now needed concentrated oxygen delivered through a nasal tube to insure safe levels in her blood. Bankhead-Kendall’s shifts began in the evenings. When she arrived, she’d stop by the patient’s room. She’d watch her breathing through a window, record her vital signs, review her blood tests, and consider whether and when she should intubate her. For a few days, the woman was the only COVID-19 patient in the hospital.

Then things accelerated. One patient became three, three became ten, ten became thirty—an overwhelming deluge of COVID-19 patients. Her nightly rounds transformed into an escalating struggle. “We just tried to stay afloat,” Bankhead-Kendall said. “It was pure survival mode.” She was tapped to join the hospital’s “airway team”—a group who rushed to intubate patients when their breathing collapsed. The airway team received emergency pages and overhead alerts; when the alerts came, with alarming frequency, Bankhead-Kendall sprinted with a neon backpack full of supplies to the patient’s room, where doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists had converged. A swift, coördinated ritual commenced. The patient could be unconscious or heaving and coughing, spraying virus everywhere. A mask connected to an oxygen bag would be placed over his nose and mouth. Someone would lower the head of the bed, another would guide a catheter into a vein (or, if that failed, drill it into a bone), and a third would administer sedative medications. Yet another doctor—sometimes Bankhead-Kendall—would peer down the patient’s throat, spy the vocal cords, and insert a plastic tube, while others monitored, prepared to perform C.P.R.

Bankhead-Kendall had never experienced anything like this. The number of patients needing intubation kept rising; often, she was startled by the speed with which their breathing declined. Debates erupted over whether the team should start intubating patients sooner, to prevent the chaos of doing it in a rush later, or continue waiting, to give patients a chance to recover without ventilators. These questions were further complicated by a constant fear of infection. Doctors were still learning about how they might keep themselves safe; intubation was already seen as among the riskiest of medical procedures. Bankhead-Kendall, who has asthma and regularly uses an inhaler, felt especially vulnerable. “Whenever I got coughed on, it felt like a death sentence,” she said. “Every day I thought, This could be the end.” She rewrote her will and told her parents where to find her passwords and what to do if she ended up on a ventilator. She taped important documents to the inside of her apartment’s front door—if she died, and someone had to enter her home, she didn’t want them to risk getting infected.

When I started speaking with Bankhead-Kendall this spring, a year had elapsed since the start of the pandemic. She had begun to emerge, shaken, from the most physically and emotionally taxing experience of her life. As a physician myself, who had also treated large numbers of COVID-19 patients at a big-city hospital, I was trying to understand what the pandemic’s stresses had done to health-care workers and their families. Clinicians have suffered extraordinary levels of mental distress during the pandemic; many have reported anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. According to some estimates, more than three thousand health-care workers have died after being infected by the virus. Today, thanks to vaccines, the medical crisis of the pandemic is starting to wane. And yet its mental-health consequences will linger, for patients and doctors. For Bankhead-Kendall, as for many other clinicians, this has been a long year of fear, despair, isolation, and tenuous resilience.

In Boston, last year, February turned to March, and the winter deepened. Days of viral surge became weeks. Bankhead-Kendall started to feel the weight of the never-ending intubations. She was often charged with calling families to discuss the procedure, and she found that people viewed it with horror. “Being part of the intubation team meant being a person that patients and families saw as a ticket to death,” she told me. “I went into medicine to help people—now I was someone they feared.” Despite her exhaustion, she started to have trouble sleeping. When she did fall asleep, she was jolted awake by nightmares. She saw huge masses of sick people, coughing, bleeding, gasping for air. She watched as they approached the hospital and burst through the doors of the emergency department, crying for help. She saw herself standing alone—stunned, angry, confused—choosing who would live and who would die.

Bankhead-Kendall was born and raised in West Texas. The eldest of three daughters, she was determined and ambitious. Her father was a petroleum engineer and her mother a teacher, but she knew from an early age that she would be a doctor. One day, in middle school, she rushed home beaming, carrying a small object wrapped in Kleenex; inside was a sheep’s eye. She told her mother, “I was the only one in class who cut it out without tearing anything.” When she was in the seventh grade, her family relocated to Argentina; within weeks, she decided to run for class president. “I said, ‘Brittany, no one knows you here! Are you sure?’ ” her mother, Athena Bankhead, told me recently. “She didn’t win, but after her speech everyone knew who she was. She was never afraid to put herself out there.”

The family soon moved back to Texas. Bankhead-Kendall attended college at Texas A. & M., where, during her senior year, she met her future husband, Brian Kendall, in a medical-communications class. After graduation, she moved to Miami to start a master’s program in biomedical sciences; Brian entered the Peace Corps and worked in Albania as a health-education volunteer, then joined Brittany in Miami. They became active in a local church and, to make ends meet, picked up shifts at a nearby golf course (he worked as a bag boy, she drove a beverage cart); they used their tip money to buy health insurance. In 2008, they married. They applied to medical school together, while on their honeymoon, in Bali. They had a son, Knox, while in medical school, and a daughter, Tinsley, six years later, during their residencies.

In 2019, the family moved into a two-bedroom apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts, near the Longfellow Bridge, just across the Charles River from Boston. Brittany started her fellowship in surgical critical care, and Brian worked as an E.R. physician at two community hospitals north of the city. In March, as coronavirus cases surged across the Northeast, they began spending nearly all their time at their hospitals. Brittany was working a string of fourteen-hour overnight shifts when Boston’s schools closed. Between shifts, unable to sleep, she lay in bed reading the Internet: one browser tab contained lesson plans for her son, another emerging evidence on how to treat COVID-19. She began to have a terrible feeling that, during the pandemic, it would be impossible for her to be a good parent and a good doctor simultaneously.


Matt Damon is an unlikely body role model. Which is to say, he’s as well known for fuzzy, family-friendly fare as he is for action-heavy adventures. For every Jason Bourne there’s a We Bought a Zoo. For every The Great Wall there’s a The Martian.

It’s a quality that has allowed Damon, 50, to carve out a career as an American everyman. The nice guy with a sassy how-do-you-like-them-apples streak. Thank god Tom Hanks got through Covid last year, but at least had a Matt Damon waiting in the wings.

Which doesn’t mean Damon is afraid to put the work in when a mean transformation is required. After all, this is the guy that helped popularise brutal hand-to-hand combat in the Bourne films, essentially teaching everyone from James Bond to John Wick how to fight. Not to mention his role as hulking South African rugby captain Francois Pienaar in 2009’s Invictus.

While not necessarily Damon’s most physical role, starring in Neil Blomkamp's 2013 sci-fi dystopia, Elysium, entailed his most physically impressive transformation. To play labourer-turned-hero Max da Costa, who fights his way out of the slums after a radiation-based accident, Damon bulked up and dropped body fat until he looked like he could walk through walls. Even without the robot exoskeleton.

The man behind the transformation is Jason Walsh, founder of Rise Nation, a global chain of innovative training spaces. Walsh grew up with a passion for outdoor exploration and calisthenics. His love of fitness initially took him into coaching before he left for California to set himself up as a PT. After training Jessica Biel, his reputation began to grow, and he eventually got the call to meet with Damon in 2012.

“Matt was living in Malibu,” Walsh recalls. “His agent has been a client of mine for 15 years and recommended me. Matt had signed on for Elysium and had to be in incredible shape – the movie had a lot of demands physically.”

But, after years of intense physical transformations Damon, now in his 40s, was feeling the effects of constant wear and tear and was reluctant to put his wellbeing in the hands of yet another PT.

“Matt was reluctant to work with anybody,” Walsh says. “I went out to talk to him. He said: ‘Listen, I’m injured. My back is jacked, my shoulder is jacked. And it all came from trainers. I’ve worked with a dozen different trainers and every one of them has hurt me.’”

Walsh – who believes in focusing on biomechanics issues specific to each client – asked Damon to give him a week. They tentatively got to work, running through stretches and low-impact calisthenics movements. Seven days later, Walsh surprised Damon by throwing an American football at him. Naturally, Damon caught it without thinking. And without pain.

“I asked him ‘How’s that shoulder?’” Walsh recalls. “He had that Matt Damon smile on his face and he said ‘You son of a bitch.’”

Trust earned, the work could begin.



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