How do you account for the hours in a day? Even when my workday isn’t consumed by meetings, I often look up and feel surprised to find that it’s already afternoon and I don’t have nearly as many things crossed off my to-do list as I planned. Distraction is a big culprit. The constant pings of emails and Slack notifications certainly feel like work, but I’m usually left with little to show for attending to them.

Over the years, I’ve found a few things that work for me when I need to focus: instrumental music in big headphones, shutting off notifications, and using a timer to stay on task—and taking a 10-minute walk outside.

Here are a few ways to figure out your personal productivity style:
Figure out your cognitive style

Fast Company contributor and business consultant Carson Tate says there are four distinct productivity styles: Prioritizer, Planner, Arranger, and Visualizer.

Prioritizers prefer logical, analytical, fact-based, critical, and realistic thinking. A Prioritizer is at their best when processing data and solving complex problems.
Planners like organized, sequential, planned, and detail-oriented thinking. They budget the time required to complete projects, organize tasks, create detailed project plans, and complete work ahead of deadlines.
Arrangers prefer supportive, expressive, and emotional thinking. An Arranger likes to partner with people to get work done and is good at building relationships and selling ideas.
Visualizers think strategically about projects and can manage multiple ideas simultaneously. They see the big picture and don’t want to spend time on the details. They can serve as a catalyst for change, brainstorm solutions to problems, and drive innovation.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help you figure out the best way to work, both on your own and with your colleagues.


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