A large, passenger van-sized spacecraft sidled up to an active, 6-ton satellite on Monday afternoon about 36,000 km above the Earth's surface. Slowly, ever so slowly, the distance between the two vehicles closed.

There was nothing wrong with the satellite, which is 17 years old and owned by Intelsat. All the while, on Wednesday, it continued actively delivering broadband and other media services across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. But it was running desperately low on fuel to maintain its position, and Intelsat would have soon had to send the vehicle to a "graveyard" orbit.

So Intelsat contracted with Northrop Grumman to test its new life-extension services. That led to the launch of Northrop's "Mission Extension Vehicle-2" last year, which used fuel-sipping electric propulsion to approach the orbit of Intelsat 10-02 and dock with the active satellite on Wednesday. As a result of this pairing, the satellite will now live on for five more years.

Jean-Luc Froeliger, vice president of space, space systems engineering and operations for Intelsat, said the cost of servicing is far less than the value of five additional years of satellite service. Waiting five years will also allow Intelsat to replace the 10-02 satellite with a more modern, efficient vehicle. "For us, it's win-win," he said during a teleconference with reporters. "This extension for 10-02 is very valuable to us."

It's a win for Northrop Grumman as well. The company made history a year ago when its first mission-extension vehicle docked with another Intelsat satellite, moved it from a graveyard orbit, powered it on, and placed it back into active service. No two commercial spacecraft had ever docked in orbit before. The difference Monday is that the servicing vehicle docked with an active satellite in a busier orbit. Both of the mission-extension vehicles will detach from their Intelsat targets in 2025 and move on to other satellites and have a functional lifetime until 2035.

Northrop sold the first two mission-extension missions to a commercial customer, Intelsat. However, the company expects that much of its future business may come from governments seeking to protect and extend the life of their most valuable assets in space.

“Government interest is accelerating as they see this capability bearing out,” said Tom Wilson, a vice president at Northrop Grumman and president of its SpaceLogistics subsidiary. "We’re on the cusp of some bigger initiatives with them."

This successful second mission suggests that Northrop has taken a first step toward its goal of offering a range of satellite services. It has now demonstrated rendezvous-and-docking and the ability to deliver power and mobility to satellites. But that's just the beginning of what is possible with in-orbit servicing, Wilson said.

In 2024, Northrop plans to launch a "Mission Robotic Vehicle" that can provide basic inspection and repair services and deploy mission extension pods to satellites. After this, the company plans to develop refueling capabilities and debris removal from the vicinity of high-value satellites. Finally, in the 2030s, the company intends to begin in-orbit assembly and manufacturing capabilities.

Over the last decade, SpaceX has radically changed the paradigm of launch from that of expendable rockets to a future in which at least the first stages of such boosters are reused. This is lowering the cost of launch and allowing companies to put more and more satellites into various orbits around Earth. As this environment becomes more cluttered, the responsible thing is to more actively refuel, recycle, and dispose of satellites. Northrop Grumman has made meaningful progress toward such a future of satellite servicing. As a result, reusability is now moving into space.

Source: https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/04/the-era-of-reusability-in-space-has-begun/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-intl-en

And God said, ‘Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.’ And it was so. God called the dry ground ‘land,’ and the gathered waters he called ‘seas.’ And God saw that it was good.”

Hans Joosten doesn’t know Genesis by heart, so he is paraphrasing: “And one of the first things that God does, is separating land from water.” But then, he says, one must ask what was the nature of this water in the first place, before it was spliced in two. The answer? A mixture of both elements. In the beginning, in other words, there were swamps.

Joosten grew up in the Netherlands, surrounded by bogs. Now a professor of peatland studies and a founding member of the Greifswald Mire Center, Joosten has spent the past several decades dedicating his life and work to habitats supported by a partially decayed plant matter called peat and which, depending on the context and their characteristics, are known as bogs, mires, fens, and swamps, and more broadly referred to as peatlands.

The Netherlands was once rich in peat bogs. Before 1600, it is estimated that they stretched across an area of nearly four thousand square miles. It was not until his studies that Joosten discovered this landscape he and many others took for granted was under threat from all sides. This was just a few years after the revolutionary 1968 student protests in West Germany, and Joosten saw in the bogs a potentially radical political topic. “In the region where I lived, in the municipality where I lived, in every thinkable way they were destroying the peatland,” he says. Across the country, bogs were being drained and converted for agricultural use, turned into refuse dumps, and mined for peat extraction. “Everybody was working together to destroy the bog.”

Compared to this period of destructive disregard, the past several years have been good ones for peatlands. In 2016, at its World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) agreed upon a resolution that recognized the importance of peatlands and their vital role in climate change mitigation—though they cover only 3 percent of the earth’s land surface area, peatlands contain more carbon than all of the world’s vegetation (including forests) combined. The Global Peatlands Initiative was also formed in 2016, with the goal of saving peatlands and mapping their extent in remote regions across the world. And in 2018, at long last, Alec Baldwin had his say, recording a PSA about peatlands for the UN Environment Program. The increased attention on the international conservation circuit was soon followed by increased attention by the media: Nature published an ambitious feature on the topic last year, and other stories can be found sprinkled across the BBC, the Guardian, and various other outlets.
Though they cover only 3 percent of the earth’s land surface area, peatlands contain more carbon than all of the world’s vegetation (including forests) combined.

In May of 2020, a newly formed youth organization called Re-Peat hosted a global, virtual “Peat Fest”: twenty-four interdisciplinary “peaty hours” to help further the conversation around peatlands—but also to highlight artists, read poetry, and do yoga. The field is a very different one, a more optimistic one, than it was when Joosten first took up the cause. Back in the 1970s, international conversations about peat leaned largely toward the commercial and the industrial, and the conservation movement was still in its earliest stages. Progress was mostly incremental: in 1968, the International Peatland Society was formed in Quebec, followed by the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG), of which Joosten is secretary-general, in 1984. Today, there are dozens of organizations spread across the world; peatlands are recognized under the Paris Agreement and the Kyoto Protocol; funding is, for now, plentiful.

Even so, peatlands can still seem like fringe topic. This is why Re-Peat is calling for a shift in how we think about them, one that is strikingly similar to what peatland conservationists have been pushing for for decades: to move away from the perception of peatlands as “wastelands,” “spaces of nothingness,” and into a new understanding of their value.

When you imagine a peatland, what do you think of? What do you see? If you were to ask this of a certain councilman in northern Scotland in the 1980s, he’d probably tell you: not much. In Scotland’s Flow Country, boglands are today a treasured landscape and an aspiring world heritage site, but in the ’80s, there was controversy brewing over whether to develop them—namely, to drain them—for private forestry, and to plant the area up with quick-growing conifers in their stead. On a visit to one bog, this councilman surveyed the land and said, “Well it’s MAMBA country isn’t it? Miles and miles of bugger-all.” “It became a bit legendary, that comment,” says Richard Lindsay, the head of environmental sciences at the University of East London’s Sustainability Research Institute, who told me this story. Whenever people wanted to disparage peatlands, he says, they would repeat that phrase.

Peatlands often appear to the untrained eye as a bland swatch of greys, browns, oranges, and green. What we do not see is what they really are: robust ecosystems of flora and fauna—such as wetland birds, sphagnum moss, heather, and several species of quite crafty carnivorous plants. Furthermore, much of what makes these habitats so special exists beneath the surface. Peat stores, which can reach down into the earth for upwards of thirty-two feet, are dense with carbon, making the peatland a Goliath of sequestration. And with their regulatory effect on a region’s water table, peatlands also help improve water quality, reduce flooding and fires, and keep at bay rising sea levels.

The French philosopher Gaston Bachelard once characterized our relationship toward “swamps, mud, or the dark, wet earth” as contradictory: “[we] must concede that the moist earth strikes a nerve in the material imagination,” he wrote. They represent an uncomfortable porousness. “Bogs are simultaneously limited and limitless,” writes Derek Gladwin in Contentious Terrains: Boglands, Ireland, Postcolonial Gothic, “yielding and unyielding, canny and uncanny, stable and unstable, ordered and disordered, known and unknown, political and apolitical, spatial and indeterminate, and temporal and atemporal.”

The images we’ve been fed of them are spongey and stinky, murky and dangerous. One famous Middle-English text compares man’s sinful body to, in the words of its preface, “a pit full of oozy water and mire.” Historically, we’ve associated bogs with sickness—specifically malaria. In literature, bogs and swamps are sites of hauntings, murders, and encounters with the occult. In Lord of the Rings, they contain corpses that threaten to pull you down to join them in their watery limbo; in The Princess Bride, they’re home to Rodents Of Unusual Size. Even our language is infused with bad peatland vibes: we’re bogged down; we have a sinking feeling. The awful situation we find ourselves in is a quagmire; when our work becomes too much to handle, we’re swamped.

For those of us who’ve grown up near them, peatlands were and sometimes still are infused with a different flavor of the uncanny. As Gladwin writes, in Ireland, home to over five thousand square miles of peatland—most of it bog—a cadre of swampy apparitions and omens have long populated folklore and nightmares, from the shape-shifting pooka to bog sprites and water sheeries—said to lead the “wayward traveller to an untimely death on the bog”—to the dancing lights of the will-o’-the-wisps, flickering above the soggy surface, signaling the arrival of an evil spirit.
Even our language is infused bad peatland vibes: we’re bogged down; we have a sinking feeling.

Beyond the realm of the fictional and the metaphysical, how we see bogs has also been shaped by what we find within them. On the one hand, they are a resource. Because peat is carbon dense, it is also an excellent source of fuel; in Ireland, peat was, by the late eighteenth century, the main source of fuel in the country—as well as a source of independence from English coal, and therefore, English rule. For families and communities living near peatlands, hand-harvesting has been practiced for hundreds of years. In the ninetieth and twentieth centuries, however, what was once largely a subsistence-use practice became highly commercial and industrialized, as countries across the world began manufacturing peat into secondary products, such as fertilizer. Decayed sphagnum moss, dug out from the peat, is a miracle helper for the garden: as soil, it supports plants craving high acidity and water retention.

But the same conditions that bestow peat with many of its unique characteristics also create an environment that preserves with startling efficiency. Bogs have, as a result, been compared to archives: accidental treasure troves of past civilizations. “With a bog, and its buried contents,” the literary historian Terry Eagleton writes, “the past is no longer behind you, but palpably beneath your feet. A secret history is stacked just a few feet below the modern world in which you’re standing.” In the 1970s, in fact, an archaeologist by the name of Seamus Caulfield helped unearth an entire neolithic site, Céide Fields in County Mayo, Ireland, that lay beneath a bog. His father, harvesting peat, had found the first indications of the site decades before.

They also serve as ancient graves, home to bog bodies. The Tollund Man, the Grauballe Man: these are faces you might have seen, in textbooks or museum displays. In general, bog bodies are often found by accident. These two in particular were discovered by peat cutters in the Danish peninsula of Jutland. Though the Tollund Man and Graubelle Man are estimated to have lived in the fourth and third century BCE, respectively, their features—as with those of many other bog bodies—are almost impossibly intact. Seamus Heaney, the Irish poet laureate of the bog, once wrote that the Tollund Man bore a striking resemblance to his Great Uncle Hughie, so familiar and recently departed did he seem to him.

Adding to the general eeriness of stumbling upon an ancient mummified man in the midst of a misty bog, many of the bodies found have shown signs of a violent death—ropes around the neck, deep slashes from a blade, shattered bones. Because of this, some have theorized that bogs were once a place to punish criminals. In one of the earliest written records of peatlands and their uses, Tacitus describes how, for their executions, “the cowardly, the unwarlike and those who disgrace their bodies [were] drowned in miry swamps under a cover of wicker.” Others postulate that they are evidence that these landscapes were once thought of as a place to access the afterlife, and that these individuals were meant to be messengers between the worlds.

It is impossible to separate the stories of bogs—both real and imagined—from their history of destruction and damage—though this is not to say that fears of will-o’-the-wisps are the reason why companies, politicians, and developers decided, for their different purposes, that peatlands were “wastelands,” waiting to be “improved” for agriculture, forestry, or fuel extraction. When we are called upon to care about coral reefs or rainforests, it feels easy. They are pretty and bright and full of funny animals. Peatlands, as Re-Peat co-founder Bethany Copsey points out, are an altogether different beast—one that is “never going to be as enticing as a forest, on a collective level.” Though peatlands have entered the global conservation stage and seem here to stay, they remain a difficult sell.

Of course, peatlands aren’t singular in this history of destruction. Landscapes of much more natural splendor and majesty—including those coral reefs and rainforests—have also been pushed, prodded, burned, and polluted. But in this more general sweep of Anthropocene wrongs, peatlands are perhaps most acutely proof of our drive to make things fit into a neat conception of productivity and goodness. “Claiming something to be nothing in order to exploit it, is not a new technique,” as Re-Peat puts it. “This is one of the foundations of the colonial narrative.”

When peatlands are drained—in an effort to turn those “wastelands” into a productive space—they become unstable. Their carefully balanced conditions compromised, they quickly switch from carbon sink to carbon emitter. Though only 15 percent of the world’s peatlands are drained—occupying a mere 0.4 percent of the globe’s surface—these damaged habitats release at least two gigatons of carbon per year or nearly 6 percent of global anthropogenic emissions, according to a 2009 report. In 2015 in Indonesia, for instance, mega fires on forests and damaged peat swamps emitted nearly 16 million tons of CO2 in a day: more than the entire United States’ daily emissions. In Germany, though drained peatlands comprise just 7 percent of the total agricultural land area, they release 99 percent of the CO2 emissions from agricultural soils and 37 percent of all emissions from agriculture in general.

In some places, the fate of peatlands is beyond the realm of mitigation and management. In the far north, peatlands caught under the melting permafrost are at the mercy of our more general climate policies and our global emissions. But in more temperate climates, the story is different. The restoration and rewetting of peatlands is considered a comparatively cost-effective carbon reduction method. They have been called the “low hanging fruit” of climate mitigation. Richard Lindsay refers to peatlands as “Cinderella environments”: “They’re doing all these amazing functions for us, right across the world, and nobody knows,” he says.

But peatland scientists and advocates are also trying to salvage something more abstract from our historical abuse of these landscapes: the chance to fundamentally question the paradigm of productivity that led to the loss of those habitats in the first place. One manifestation of this is a push for paludiculture, a type of wetland farming that scientists and policy makers are hoping presents an attractive compromise to those who oppose more traditional conservation efforts. Adopting paludicultural methods, farmers could continue cultivating the land for, say, sustainable biofuels, without degrading the peatland. “What this is doing is offering a lifeline to current land managers,” Lindsay explains, “who are, at the moment, committed to traditional, conventional forms of land use agriculture, but who are facing an extremely uncertain future.”
Peatland scientists and advocates are trying to salvage something more abstract from our historical abuse of these landscapes.

In his email signature, Lindsay has hopefully inserted a quote often attributed to Henry David Thoreau: “It’s not what we look at that’s important, it’s what we see.” It is a nice concept. But with an uncertain environmental future before all of us, many outside of the sphere of the sciences or climate activism are more inclined to cling to, and seek comfort in, an idealized vision of nature. Those of us in urban spaces, even in suburban spaces, spend so little time in nature as it is. When we go into it, we’re looking for recognizable images, a hit of the transcendental. In other words, and this perhaps speaks to my own lack of imagination, it seems like a nearly impossible task to ask a general public to look at the bog, the swamp, the mire and see a landscape worth fighting for.

But maybe we can find another angle. Once, Hans Joosten took a helicopter ride out over the Vasyugan Swamp in southern Siberia, the largest peatland in the northern hemisphere: he wanted to see the swamp from above. The birds eye view is an altogether different thing than the view from below. From up above, Vasyugan is a quilt of patterns, colors, and textures: a blanket of orange and rusty red lined with veins of verdant green. In irregular shapes, not unlike clouds, pools of water like melted silver glisten. As the light shifts, so do the colors: dark green peninsulas of land slither through a honeycomb of more pools of water of a deep oceanic blue. The organization of it all appears to be in perfect harmony.

Derek Gladwin writes that, “Bodies themselves are bog-like; they are organic liquid and solid matter containing over 70 per cent water and exhibiting an accretion of layers of skin, muscle, bone, and organs.” But bogs are also body-like. Like a body, they are self-regulating. A bog, as it adapts to rainfall and the surrounding water table, will expand and shrink. It breathes. Joosten likes this concept, of the peatland as organism. After all, he says, those giant expanses of wetland, like the Vasyugan Swamp, or like the Red Lake Peatlands in Minnesota, have properties that resemble a kind of consciousness. “It is almost mystic,” he says. And though this, he knows, “is not politically operational,” he does think that perhaps, just maybe, it could motivate us “to think about these landscapes in a somewhat other way.”

Source: https://thebaffler.com/latest/must-love-bogs-emory?utm_source=pocket-newtab-intl-en

Late last month, the leader of Myanmar’s junta, Min Aung Hlaing, stood on a huge parade field to recount the military’s “immense prestige etched in the annals of history.” Hundreds of soldiers who had not been deployed to quell an uprising against the country’s coup marched in formation at dawn. Armored vehicles spewing black smoke rumbled alongside them.

The speech marked Myanmar’s annual Armed Forces Day, telling a soaring and selectively edited tale of the institution’s “glorious past.” As in most retellings of the country’s recent history, special attention was paid to the wrongdoings of its former colonial master and the way the military “annihilated the British Imperialists.” Indeed, Myanmar (also known as Burma) might have won independence in 1948, but almost all of the country’s ills—real and perceived—are still regularly blamed on the British.

Yet that disdain is not quite enough to do away with the onerous laws Britain left behind: Successive Burmese governments have shown a fondness for wielding them to silence critics and quash dissent—and Min Aung Hlaing has proved no different. Five days after his speech, his regime charged Aung San Suu Kyi, the country’s de facto leader, who has been detained since the February 1 coup, under the Official Secrets Act. The law dates from 1923 and covers a plethora of offenses, including trespassing and possessing documents deemed secret. It carries a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison.

Across Asia, in places such as Myanmar, India, and Hong Kong, leaders that espouse nationalist rhetoric and bemoan their former colonial overlords see no issue with deploying laws designed by those foreign masters against their own people. These lasting vestiges of the British empire are draconian, overly broad, and vaguely worded, but they persist very much because of these traits, existing as powerful weapons of modern lawfare. In fact, rather than repealing them, some governments have tweaked and fused them with new rules, creating even more problematic regulations.

“Any government would want these laws to remain so that they could use it whenever politically convenient for them, and to silence dissenters,” Chitranshul Sinha, a lawyer and the author of The Great Repression: The Story of Sedition in India, told me of that country’s colonial legal legacy. “These laws cause a chilling effect on free speech—that archnemesis of authoritarians.”

Democratic and quasi-democratic postcolonial governments in Asia have for decades avoided abolishing or significantly reforming such laws, including Myanmar’s Official Secrets Act, sedition laws in India and Hong Kong, and a host of other colonial-era regulations, despite ample warnings about possible future misuse. In 1997, months before Britain returned Hong Kong to China, the late legal scholar Ming Kou Chan assessed the much-praised legal system that would be left behind when the Union Jack was lowered. “Despite British claims that they brought the blessings of the rule of law to Hong Kong, as in many other colonies,” he wrote, “the British have in fact created a legal system emphasizing law and order while neglecting the personal liberties and individual rights associated with the common law tradition.”

In Myanmar, the military—which in an effort at legitimacy has named itself the State Administration Council—has made liberal use of these outdated laws. Although Suu Kyi’s case has drawn the most attention, the junta makes almost nightly pronouncements through state television and radio of new arrest warrants targeting journalists, activists, models, and medical workers, all issued under a section of the country’s 1861 penal code that has long been criticized by activists and rights groups for criminalizing speech. (The military tweaked a portion of the law following its seizure of power, making possible the punishment of those who question the legitimacy of the coup or the military government.)

Among those at risk is Myat Noe Aye, a well-known actor and influencer who used her substantial social-media following to rally support for anti-coup demonstrations and document her own attendance at protests. This month, the 25-year-old saw her picture on TV alongside those of others accused of incitement. Seemingly unperturbed by the possibility of imprisonment, she turned to Facebook to do a bit of quick trolling, posting a screenshot of the broadcast with the caption “Thank you for using a beautiful photo” and a kissy-face emoji. “They want people to be afraid of them, to make them feel like they are powerful,” she told me of the junta. To do this, she said, they had resorted to their old tactics, using “stupid” laws, communications cuts, and arbitrary killings. But, she said, “we are living in the 21st century; they can’t scare us easily.”

Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2021/04/british-empire-myanmar-india-hong-kong/618583/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-intl-en

Seoul, South Korea (CNN)One Friday night, Kwon Tae-hoon received a call.

"Are you the brother of Mr. Kwon Dae-hee?" the caller asked. "Your brother is in the ER. Could you come to (the hospital) now?"

His brother's condition "wasn't that serious," the hospital said. Kwon assumed his brother had gotten into a fight after drinking, and, as he took a taxi to the Seoul hospital, he prepared to scold him for getting into trouble.

But he never got the chance. When Kwon arrived, the 24-year-old was unconscious. After having a surgery to make his jawline more slender, his brother had bled so much that the bandage around his face had turned red.

Kwon never made it. He died in hospital seven weeks later.

Kwon's family say he was the victim of a "ghost doctor," the name given to someone who performs a surgery another surgeon was hired for when the patient is under general anesthetic.

The practice is illegal in South Korea, but activists say weak regulations in the country's booming $10.7 billion-dollar plastic surgery industry have allowed factory-like clinics, where unqualified staff substitute for surgeons, to thrive. Doctors sometimes simultaneously conduct multiple operations -- meaning they rely on substitutes who may be freshly qualified plastic surgeons, dentists, nurses, or, in some cases, medical equipment sales people -- to undertake some of the work for them.

Under South Korean law, someone who orders or performs an unlicensed medical act is subject to a maximum punishment of five years in prison or a maximum fine of 50 million won ($44,000). If a ghost surgery is performed by a licensed doctor, that could lead to charges of causing harm or fraud. But these crimes are hard to prove -- many substitute doctors don't note down the work they've done and many clinics don't have CCTV cameras. And even once the cases get to court, ghost doctors rarely get heavy penalties, which emboldens clinics to continue with the practice, lawyers say.

But Kwon's high-profile case has brought renewed attention to shadowy operators. His family aren't only bringing criminal charges against the doctors involved -- they're demanding legal changes, too.

Kwon's story

Kwon was a warm and humble university student, the kind of son who cooked seaweed soup for his mother's birthday, his family remembers. He was a high-achiever but was insecure about his looks and believed plastic surgery could make him more successful, his brother said.

In photos taken shortly before his death, Kwon had digitally altered his face to have the sort of pointy, V-like jaw seen on many K-pop idols.

Kwon's elder brother and mother, Lee Na Geum, tried to talk him out of getting plastic surgery, but Kwon secretly booked into a well-known clinic that specialized in jawline surgeries in the glitzy Seoul neighborhood of Gangnam, an area traditionally home to the country's biggest K-pop labels.

On September 8, 2016, a doctor removed bone to change the shape of Kwon's jawline, a popular surgery in East Asia that usually takes one to two hours. It cost 6.5 million won ($5,766), according to his mother.

After bleeding excessively, he was moved to hospital. At 9 a.m. the next morning, the plastic surgeon who had operated on Kwon arrived at the hospital. He told Kwon's family that the procedure had gone as normal and even offered CCTV footage of the operating room to prove it -- something that isn't required nationwide, but which some clinics do to increase trust. "I immediately felt that I needed that evidence," said Kwon's mother, Lee.

Lee watched the CCTV footage from the operating room 500 times, she says. The footage showed the surgery started at 12:56 p.m. when the plastic surgeon began to cut Kwon's jaw bone. Three nursing assistants were also in the room.

After an hour, the plastic surgeon left, and another doctor entered the operating room. The two entered and left the room, but for almost 30 minutes, there was no doctor in the operating room at all, although nursing assistants were present.

Lee saw that although the surgeon Kwon hired cut his jaw bones, he did not complete the surgery. Much of rest of the operation was done by the other doctor -- a general doctor who did not have a plastic surgery license and who had recently graduated from medical school, despite an advertisement for the clinic explicitly saying that the head doctor of the clinic would operate from start to finish.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/10/asia/south-korea-ghost-doctors-plastic-surgery-intl-hnk-dst/index.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab-intl-en

The world’s first mRNA vaccines — the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna — have made it in record time from the laboratory, through successful clinical trials, regulatory approval and into people’s arms.

The high efficiency of protection against severe disease, the safety seen in clinical trials and the speed with which the vaccines were designed are set to transform how we develop vaccines in the future.

Once researchers have set up the mRNA manufacturing technology, they can potentially produce mRNA against any target. Manufacturing mRNA vaccines also does not need living cells, making them easier to produce than some other vaccines.

So mRNA vaccines could potentially be used to prevent a range of diseases, not just COVID-19.

Remind me again, what’s mRNA?

Messenger ribonucleic acid (or mRNA for short) is a type of genetic material that tells your body how to make proteins. The two mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, deliver fragments of this mRNA into your cells.

Once inside, your body uses instructions in the mRNA to make SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins. So when you encounter the virus’ spike proteins again, your body’s immune system will already have a head start in how to handle it.

So after COVID-19, which mRNA vaccines are researchers working on next? Here are three worth knowing about.

1. Flu vaccine

Currently, we need to formulate new versions of the flu vaccine each year to protect us from the strains the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts will be circulating in flu season. This is a constant race to monitor how the virus evolves and how it spreads in real time.

Moderna is already turning its attention to an mRNA vaccine against seasonal influenza. This would target the four seasonal strains of the virus the WHO predicts will be circulating.

But the holy grail is a universal flu vaccine. This would protect against all strains of the virus (not just what the WHO predicts) and so wouldn’t need to be updated each year. The same researchers who pioneered mRNA vaccines are also working on a universal flu vaccine.

The researchers used the vast amounts of data on the influenza genome to find the mRNA code for the most “highly conserved” structures of the virus. This is the mRNA least likely to mutate and lead to structural or functional changes in viral proteins.

They then prepared a mixture of mRNAs to express four different viral proteins. These included one on the stalk-like structure on the outside of the flu virus, two on the surface, and one hidden inside the virus particle.

Studies in mice show this experimental vaccine is remarkably potent against diverse and difficult-to-target strains of influenza. This is a strong contender as a universal flu vaccine.

Read more: A single vaccine to beat all coronaviruses sounds impossible. But scientists are already working on one

2. Malaria vaccine

Malaria arises through infection with the single-celled parasite Plasmodium falciparum, delivered when mosquitoes bite. There is no vaccine for it.

However, US researchers working with pharmaceutical company GSK have filed a patent for an mRNA vaccine against malaria.

The mRNA in the vaccine codes for a parasite protein called PMIF. By teaching our bodies to target this protein, the aim is to train the immune system to eradicate the parasite.

There have been promising results of the experimental vaccine in mice and early-stage human trials are being planned in the UK.

This malaria mRNA vaccine is an example of a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine. This means very small amounts of mRNA need to be made, packaged and delivered, as the mRNA will make more copies of itself once inside our cells. This is the next generation of mRNA vaccines after the “standard” mRNA vaccines seen so far against COVID-19.

Read more: COVID-19 isn't the only infectious disease scientists are trying to find a vaccine for. Here are 3 others

3. Cancer vaccines

We already have vaccines that prevent infection with viruses that cause cancer. For example, hepatitis B vaccine prevents some types of liver cancer and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine prevents cervical cancer.

But the flexibility of mRNA vaccines lets us think more broadly about tackling cancers not caused by viruses.

Some types of tumours have antigens or proteins not found in normal cells. If we could train our immune systems to identify these tumour-associated antigens then our immune cells could kill the cancer.

Cancer vaccines can be targeted to specific combinations of these antigens. BioNTech is developing one such mRNA vaccine that shows promise for people with advanced melanoma. CureVac has developed one for a specific type of lung cancer, with results from early clinical trials.

Then there’s the promise of personalised anti-cancer mRNA vaccines. If we could design an individualised vaccine specific to each patient’s tumour then we could train their immune system to fight their own individual cancer. Several research groups and companies are working on this.

Yes, there are challenges ahead

However, there are several hurdles to overcome before mRNA vaccines against other medical conditions are used more widely.

Current mRNA vaccines need to be kept frozen, limiting their use in developing countries or in remote areas. But Moderna is working on developing an mRNA vaccine that can be kept in a fridge.

Researchers also need to look at how these vaccines are delivered into the body. While injecting into the muscle works for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, delivery into a vein may be better for cancer vaccines.

Read more: 4 things about mRNA COVID vaccines researchers still want to find out

The vaccines need to be shown to be safe and effective in large-scale human clinical trials, ahead of regulatory approval. However, as regulatory bodies around the world have already approved mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, there are far fewer regulatory hurdles than a year ago.

The high cost of personalised mRNA cancer vaccines may also be an issue.

Finally, not all countries have the facilities to make mRNA vaccines on a large scale, including Australia.

Regardless of these hurdles, mRNA vaccine technology has been described as disruptive and revolutionary. If we can overcome these challenges, we can potentially change how we make vaccines now and into the future.

Source: https://theconversation.com/3-mrna-vaccines-researchers-are-working-on-that-arent-covid-157858?utm_source=pocket-newtab-intl-en

With innovative progression, shoppers are floating towards customized arrangements; Artificial Intelligence is a shelter for all organizations since it can utilize your data shrewdly with the assistance of web-based media and IoT to follow your conduct and suggest approaches dependent on your inclinations.

Simulated intelligence is valuable with regards to precision. It improves on the cycle and dodges manual work; it tends to be done a lot quicker than people. Here we are discussing how the protection business is changing with the AI and ML impact. It is helpful to follow misrepresentation in a brought together data set and check the data quicker.

Information has consistently been a significant piece of the protection business. With regards to advancement and innovation, AI and ML are changing the protection business in various manners. A new review expressed that 75% of clients would be glad to get the chatbot created protection exhortation. Simulated intelligence is the new instrument utilized in the protection business and assists organizations with conveying better outcomes.

New and Better Data Analysis

Lately, we have encountered numerous specialized terms like AI, Big Data, Machine learning, and so on discover their way into each part of our lives, and numerous associations are embracing change. The protection business is one of them.

Counseling firm Accenture expressed that protection specialists accept that AI will definitely change their industry in the following five years. Protection specialists, merchants, even workers, and safety net providers are putting resources into AI apparatuses to improve client experience with computerized and customized arrangements.

Protection suppliers generally depend on little and normal clients to construct prescient models and fix valuing plans. With the assistance of AI devices, end-clients presently figure future danger, ready to find different plans, and contrast that arrangement with stay away from hazards.

Numerous insurance agencies have effectively begun utilizing AI to improve client experience. Checking social information to comprehend client needs and slant about the personal conduct standard are some essential uses of AI.

With the broad utilization of the Internet. Purchasers presently anticipate customized arrangements, and AI makes it conceivable by auditing a client's profile and recommending plans that are significant for a specific client. Besides, AI-empowered chatbots work with informing applications that are carried out in the business to tackle buyer's issues rapidly.

With the expanding request of AI-based applications, an ever increasing number of businesses recruit precise js improvement organization to assemble shrewd and quick applications to upgrade client experience

Extortion Detection

The General Insurance Company of Singapore guarantees that approx one of every five cases the business gets are either misrepresentation or bogus. To lessen extortion, insurance agencies are utilizing AI-driven devices and applications to handle a great many information every month.

With the assistance of programmed programming, you can recognize extortion rapidly, and gigantic information show various things like case recurrence, conduct, and FICO assessment of the back up plan. Subsequently, the protection business is utilizing man-made reasoning to deal with enormous information into classify design that builds efficiency and diminishes the pace of misrepresentation.

Diverse AI calculation learns the information example of the organization and assists them with recognizing extortion all the while. Making them learn capacities, AI innovation improves profitability over the long haul, and Machine Learning helps insurance agencies to recognize cheats and reflect recuperating costs.


Chatbot, the most roaring innovation of this decade, permits the business to help the clients rapidly by settling their issues continuously. A chatbot is an incredible innovation where organizations can straightforwardly associate with the clients and engage them with a speedy reaction.

The protection area utilizes chatbots to direct their clients. Chatbots can straightforwardly begin a connection with the clients with no human touch; this diminishes organizations' operational expenses.

Most of insurance agencies depend on AI to recognize extortion and to ensure that the client is making the most of their administrations.

Chatbots study human conduct and gather information about clients from different sources to improve consumer loyalty. Subsequently, a client delegate can use this opportunity to settle complex issues, and eventually chatbots convey a quality encounter to the clients.

What Will AI Mean for Insurance Policies

Utilizing computerized reasoning in the protection area is the best illustration of advanced change. Man-made intelligence is changing the substance of each industry, and specialists feel that AI will acquire a gigantic change the protection area in the impending years. Accordingly it would be useful for insurance agencies to acknowledge those progressions at the beginning phase.

Simulated intelligence will make protection strategies savvy and saves time. Actually like numerous businesses, insurance agencies have an enormous volume of information, and we as a whole realize that AI devices can pack the information in a moment without the contribution of people.

Artificial intelligence frameworks assist organizations with making and recognize client's profiles in a proficient manner. It implies the safety net provider can anticipate that faster claims should improve efficiency. For instance, in-vehicle protection, clients can request the cases through the versatile application, clicking photos of the mishap and requesting the case immediately. It builds consumer loyalty, and you can robotize the case assessment measure.

Also, with the assistance of AI applications, organizations can undoubtedly discover the objective market and dependent on that, they can make a solid and effective showcasing procedure. Send clients significant and short special messages to drive more deals and client commitment.
When discussing Artificial Intelligence and Conversational Commerce, you likely envision that you would have to spend a fortune to profit by the benefits that the AI motor has to bring to the table. All things considered, what you should know in regards to this matter is that everything relies upon the experts you depend on when you need to accomplish appropriate live visit enhancement. Numerous business people pass up the chances that live visit has to bring to the table since they just spotlight on promoting procedures.

Fortunately it is never past the point where it is possible to think about putting resources into live talk streamlining, something that should be possible with the assistance of an AI motor. You can disregard recruiting a business mentor that will prepare your representatives a similar way. The arrangement with Artificial Intelligence and Conversational Commerce is that the reports you will get will be individualized dependent on your representatives' talks. If you somehow managed to depend on a chatbot, all clients would be dealt with something very similar.

Notwithstanding, when you recruit deals specialists that attempt to move toward guests through live talk, every single one of them will have an alternate methodology. What you can be sure of is the way that there is consistently opportunity to get better. When you depend on an AI motor to convey a guide of chances, you will see that the quantity of clients you invite builds for quite a while. The equivalent occurs with your income. By putting resources into Artificial Intelligence and Conversational Commerce, you are really augmenting the consequences of your advertising endeavors.

With regards to live visit enhancement, you should realize that the manner in which your business specialist converse with clients can persuade them to submit their request, purchase more, get back to your image later on and even elevate it to everybody they know, each possibility they get. These objectives are unquestionably difficult to accomplish on the grounds that customers these days need a ton to be happy with their shopping experience. Luckily, the AI motor can realize precisely what triggers certain practices in buyers dependent on your representatives' live talks.
It would be suggested that you search for a group of experts that can utilize AI to investigate your talks consistently so they can give preparing answers for your representatives and help them see openings a lot simpler than previously. Simultaneously, they ought to be told on the language they use.
In reality, the use of this innovation is expanding and reclassifying different businesses. In any case, the difficulties it is tending to in the money business are huge. Beforehand, Financial administrations industry understood the need of progression, in light of the fact that the conventional methodologies were very time consuming,and wasteful.

This industry needs to manage huge informational indexes, with an assortment of monetary administrations and a complex worldwide market. In such viewpoints, just Artificial insight can give high-grade arrangements and impart the proficiency in work process. This innovation can affect different areas in account industry, investigate how it can work.

Portfolio the executives

For some monetary specialist organizations and specialists, it is difficult to make a fine portfolio as per the target. The AI calculations viewed as 'robo-consultants' can make fine and relative portfolio that tunes with the ultimate objective of clients. This can likewise underline relative danger resistance. These offices are useful and can be useful in drawing in millennial customers, who consistently search for contributing consultant. This computerized help can give them right guide, and they don't have to employ a human counsel.

Distinguishing Frauds

Fakes are exceptionally basic in account industry. Prior an assortment of misrepresentation recognition frameworks were presented. Be that as it may, they are vigorously depending on a perplexing arrangement of rules and ain't an attainable arrangement. In correlation, fake and AI based frameworks are extremely exceptional. They just can't distinguish the errors yet additionally can signal them for security groups, so that group can make required moves and can discover arrangements. Additionally, these frameworks can likewise sort out the area, oddities, exchanges and can check the spot of clients. During this distinguishing proof, on the off chance that it discovers any mistake it denotes the information and banner the touchy cross line developments.

Administrative consistence

For each organization guideline consistence is an exceptionally pivotal angle, since it not simply helps in understanding the end objective. Yet additionally permits to comprehend that everything is following the related laws and approaches. In this undertaking, the odds of mistakes are incredible. However, this can be evaded with AI. Computer based intelligence can recall and follow every single pertinent arrangement and laws. With such a framework, the issue of human blunder can be taken out. Moreover, reports can likewise be broke down through common language handling. Through and through, these frameworks can have the option to give a complete outline about related gatherings, guideline, and cycles.

Make Competitive Products

With AI framework, it is not difficult to look at the items and administrations, at that point there is no compelling reason to offer credits on items. For banks, it is difficult to sort out which administration can bait more clients, and attract them to the banks. With AI framework, they can break down the validity of every accessible assistance, and can discover which administration performed above and beyond the time. By breaking down clients' reaction, banks can make serious items.


Artificial intelligence fueled devices can be valuable in dealing with a bigger amount of information and can permit work productively and successfully. Today, there are some flexible investments that use AI part of the way for hazard control and hazard the executives. In such foundations, administrators assume a little part. Notwithstanding, the algorithmic frameworks can make million of exchange a day in this way the term 'high-recurrence exchanging interferes with'.

Stock Forecasting

Insightful frameworks can investigate public comments and can think about authentic information. Subsequently the stock determining is basic with such innovation.
1. Full-time client support.

Each customer needs advantageous client care consistently. At the point when a client has any issue, the person in question expects it to be tackled promptly, regardless of whether it is during the day, or exceptionally late around evening time. Because of that reason, organizations are meaning to offer 24-hour support lasting through the year. There is computerized reasoning empowered gadgets called chatbots which are proficient and can give 24×7 client service, in contrast to people.

2. Decrease in holding up time.

The utilization of AI assists organizations with smoothing out the calling interaction. At whatever point clients call, they can be masterminded by needs and sorts of issues. Customers with explicit issues are coordinated to specialists who can undoubtedly and rapidly manage them. Notwithstanding, in the event that a customer has an overall inquiry, the bot advances it to any accessible specialist. In this way, customers don't have to sit tight for long on the line, and they wind up being fulfilled.

3. Building client connections.

On the off chance that you are searching for brand unwaveringness, building client connections is fundamental. The benefit is that people have constraints which can be settled by AI. People may neglect to refresh the customers on changes and updates on your image. Joining AI guarantees that your customers get messages and SMS illuminating them regarding any progressions made. Therefore, customers feel esteemed and wind up being faithful to your image.

4. Customized customer cooperations

Chatbots are virtual specialists that investigate authentic information and think of constant data that is utilized by human specialists. The data assists the human specialists with being unconstrained and concocted an encounter that is explicitly tweaked for the customer. Also, the customer will be cheerful and content since their necessities are being placed into thought by the organization. During your portable application advancement, guarantee you embed visit functionalities so your workers can speak with the customers on an individual premise. Brand unwaveringness increments.

5. Offering future freedoms.

Information crunching produces results to be utilized in the long haul. Organizations can dissect verifiable patterns to anticipate future patterns. Utilizing AI and normal language handling information assists organizations with improving their items, administrations, and figure out how to arrive at the ideal objective clients.

6. Omnichannel incorporation.

These days, customers can arrive at organizations utilizing different channels-web-based media, site, portable applications, and messages. Ensure you coordinate the data from these various channels, with the goal that client experience is improved. A genuine model is a customer who considers an organization and leaves a message on the online media page. The specialist ought to have the option to get the information from all diverts in an incorporated way. Numerous individuals are utilizing cell phones, in this manner, during portable application improvement, you ought to consider making your organization application to help all AI functionalities. The motivation behind AI is to offer Omni channel backing to the specialists.

7. Repurpose chronicled information.

Organizations make a decent attempt to gather information from all roads; tasks, promoting and client conduct. Previously, such information used to be discarded since individuals didn't have the foggiest idea how to manage it. With AI, organizations can get an extraordinary perspective on the customers consequently improve CX.
1) Artificial Intelligence Takes on Big Data

Organizations are beginning to settle on choices by considering extreme information from a wide scope of sources. Along these lines, calculations and constant strategies have been utilized to separate this information and help organizations use it rapidly.

Computer based intelligence helps in this space by separating the information to make prescient examination. At that point, man-made brainpower goes a stage further, and utilizes AI and profound figuring out how to improve the prescient investigation. This will permit organizations to give their clients the exact experience they've been searching for.

2) Voice Assistants Expetise

In the event that somebody contends that AI is being overstated, ask them how comfortable they are with Alexa and comparative gadgets. These are the most well-known instances of AI.

Also, presently, they're advancing into the labor force. Computerized colleagues that can utilize voice orders are gradually going to get typical in the workplace – as they've effectively gotten ordinary in the home. For instance, almost 50% of the versatile applications available can handle voice orders. It is just a short time before business applications can do likewise. Business will actually want to improve as representatives can have more intricate communications with the applications they utilize the most and the information that is generally helpful.

3) Reshaping Mobile App
Since AI can handle information in more mind boggling ways than any other time, the versatile application advancement space will go through a total change.

Versatile clients are looking for a uniquely, customized insight – and numerous organizations can give it to them. This implies the excess organizations should utilize AI to give a customized insight on their versatile application to remain serious.

To arrive at this objective, the job of the portable application engineer will change. This used to be a task of coding applications to direct explicit capacities. Presently, a portable application engineer will work with AI so it can handle information, improve naturally, and gain from clients. Computer based intelligence will reshape the manner in which organizations approach applications, and the recruiting of the individuals who will deal with these applications.

4) Automation by means of Robotics

There's a cycle called Robotic Process Automation. What it does is utilize AI to finish dull undertakings at enormous volumes. This can be anything from a basic deal, to handling and introducing information.

Utilizing this framework saves a business both time and cash. This is on the grounds that Robotic Process Automation can finish the alloted task speedier than any worker, and all the more precisely. To remain serious, organizations should carry out this framework and utilize the cash that is opened up to put resources into other business methodologies.

5) AI Will Actually Create New Jobs

At the point when individuals catch wind of AI in the work environment, they promptly make an interpretation of this into robots supplanting people and assuming control over the work market.

Then again, AI will really make new openings. In addition to the fact that it puts PC researchers popular, yet it requires new situations to run the AI. These positions incorporate specialists, bookkeepers, retail experts, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Individuals will be expected to prepare others on the best way to utilize AI. Individuals will be expected to get ready and arrange the information for the AI to measure.

Thus, the issue isn't that AI will crash occupations. It will make new openings, and associations will confront the test of discovering applicants who can take on these duties.

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